Rank insignia of the Iranian military

Modern Iranian military ranking system is a modified system employed originally by the armies of Achaemenid Empire. The names of the military ranks used today are the Old Persian language military terminologies. Equivalent US army ranks are used to describe the Iranian military ranks.

These military ranks are official designations used by Iranian military personnel and in official documents. Alternatively, civilians use a unique ranking system to address the officers and enlisted personnel employing these semi-official titles:

  1. Sarkaar (سرکار): It is the lowest addressing rank for uniformed enlisted personnel and is used for official military ranks from that of 1st Private "Sarbaz sevom" سرباز ۳ up to the rank of Sergeant Major "Ostovar yekom" استوار ۱.
  2. Jenaab (جناب): This title is used for officers with official military ranks from that of Sotvan sevom ستوان ۳ up to the rank of Colonel "Sarhang" سرهنگ.
  3. Ameer (امیر) or Teemsaar (تیمسار): It is highest title rank used for addressing Generals by civilian public. It is exclusively used for the Generals of Iranian armed forces who have graduated from Iranian Command and General Staff College, "DAFOS" (دافوس). The title of Teemsaar (تیمسار) was more extensively used before the Iranian Revolution and after the Revolution the term Ameer (امیر) has replaced it, though they both are still interchangeably used.
  4. Sardaar (سردار): Its use is the same as for Ameer (امیر) or Teemsaar (تیمسار) ranks and employed while addressing Generals who have graduated from Iranian Command and General Staff College, "DAFOS" (دافوس) but with the difference that this title is only used for the Generals of IRGC.

These civilian title rankings of military personnel carry connotations of respect and patriotic affection. Furthermore they are only used for Iranian forces personnel and are not usually employed for foreign forces military personnel.

Similarly, the military personnel may address in person their immediate commanding officers with the unofficial title of Ghorbaan (قربان), usually substituting this title for their official rank and name as a sign of respect much in the same way the title of sir is used in US army.


Official military rankings

The following is a description of Iranian military ranks and their insignias:

Enlisted grade personnel

Commissioned grade officers

Company grade officers

Field grade officers

General officer ranks

Iranian rank insignia equivalents

US Army equivalent Army and Air Forces - نیروی زمینی و هوایی Navy Force - در نیروی دریایی
Private Sarbaz sevom سرباز ۳ (Private Third Class) Navi sevom ناوی ۳
Private Sarbaz dovom سرباز ۲ (Private Second Class) Navi dovom ناوی ۲
Private First Class Sarbaz yekom سرباز ۱ (Private First Class) Navi yekom ناوی ۱
Corporal Sarjukhe سرجوخه [Razm yar رزم یار] (Corporal) Sarnavi سرناوی
Sergeant Gruhban sevom گروهبان ۳ [Razm avar sevom رزم آور سوم] (Sergeant Third Class) Mahnavi sevom مهناوی ۳
Sergeant First Class Gruhban dovom گروهبان ۲ [Razm avar dovom رزم آور دوم] (Sergeant Second Class) Mahnavi dovom مهناوی ۲
Master Sergeant Gruhban yekom گروهبان ۱ [Razm avar yekom رزم آور یکم] (Sergeant First Class) Mahnavi yekom مهناوی ۱
Senior Master Sergeant Sar Gruhban سرگروهبان (Chief Sergeant) (Air Force only) No equivalent in Navy Force
First Sergeant Ostovar dovom استوار ۲ [Razm dar dovom رزم دار دوم] (Sergeant Major Second Class) Nav ostovar dovom ناواستوار ۲
Sergeant Major Ostovar yekom استوار ۱ [Razm dar yekom رزم دار یکم] (Sergeant Major First Class) Nav ostovar yekom ناواستوار ۱
Command Sergeant Major Sotvanyar ستوانيار (Assistant Lieutenant) (Grade is currently inactive) Navbanyar ناوبانیار (Grade is currently inactive)
No US Army equivalent Sotvan sevom ستوان ۳ (Third Lieutenant) Navban sevom ناوبان ۳
Second Lieutenant Sotvan dovom ستوان ۲ (Second Lieutenant) Navban dovom ناوبان ۲
First Lieutenant Sotvan yekom ستوان ۱ (First Lieutenant) Navban yekom ناوبان ۱
Captain Sarvan سروان (Captain) Nav sarvan ناوسروان
Major Sargord سرگرد (Major) Nakhoda sevom ناخدا سوم
Lieutenant Colonel Sarhang dovom سرهنگ دوم (Second Colonel) Nakhoda dovom ناخدا دوم
Colonel Sarhang سرهنگ (Colonel) Nakhoda yekom ناخدا یکم
Brigadier General Sartip dovom سرتیپ ۲ (Brigadier General Second Class) Daryadar dovom دریادار ۲
Major General Sartip سرتیپ (Brigadier General) Daryadar دریادار
Lieutenant General Sarlashkar سرلشگر (Division General) Daryaban دریابان
General Sepahbod سپهبد (General) (Grade is currently inactive) Daryasalar dovom دریاسالار دوم (Grade is currently inactive)
General of the Army Arteshbod ارتشبد (General of the Army) (Grade is currently inactive) Daryasalar دریاسالار (Grade is currently inactive)
General of the Armies Iranbod ایرانبد (General of Iran) (Grade is inactive & needs legislation for re-activation) Daryabod دریابد (Grade is inactive & needs legislation for re-activation)

See also
